It all starts in the beautifully lush tropical lowlands in Nabukavesi, Namosi, in the Fiji Islands. A special place that enjoys four to five metres of fresh rain each year. This rain filters down through multiple layers of rock before reaching the aquifer from where VaiWai® is extracted.
Being in an aquifer deep below the surface helps keep the artesian water pure, natural, and far from contamination from humans or other activities- it keeps it safe in a totally natural environment. To further safeguard our precious source, we also ensure that our surrounding areas remain pristine and that no contaminating activities take place in or near the water catchment. Our farm, on the surrounding land, uses sustainable organic farming practices at the ‘Kila Organics’ farm. We also have a conservation program in place with Nature Fiji to raise endangered palm species native to the area.
The 420 acre property and land above the VaiWai® source is certified organic by Australia’s Southern Cross Certified (SXC). The stringent certification process, along with our world-class extraction and bottling practices mean that you can rest assured knowing that your water is pure and safe yet loaded with good, natural mineral content to be classed as a fine premium water from Fiji.